Monday, June 11, 2007

On Judaism and Christianity

If Judaism cannot accept incarnation it is because it does not hear this story, because the Word of God as it hears it does not tell it and because Jewish faith does not testify to it. And if the Church does accept incarnation, it is not because it somehow discovered that such an event had to occur given the nature of God, or of being, reality, or anything else, but because it hears that this was God’s free and gracious decision, a decision not predictable by humankind. Strangely enough, the disagreement between Judaism and Christianity when understood in this light, while not reconcilable, can be brought into the context within which it is a difference of faith regarding the free and sovereign act of the God of Israel.

Michael Wyschogrod, "Why Was and Is the Theology of Karl Barth of Interest to a Jewish Theologian?," in Abraham's Promise: Judaism and Michael Wyschogrod, ed. Michael Wyschogrod and R. Kendall Soulen (Radical Traditions; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004), 216.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hey man! I know our wives have communicated via email. We were wondering if you could give us your phone number and we would give you a call today. Just email me and let me know. Thanks Bryan.


P.S. How 'bout my Braves? I better not talk too soon; today's game is still to be decided.