The next 40 days or so I will be offering my reflections on Miroslav Volf's book Free of Charge, which happens to be the Archbishop's (Rowan Williams) book chioce for the 2006 Lenten season. Please if you have this book and plan on going through it, comment whatever and whenever you want, even if you don't have the book your comments are more than welcome! But what a great excuse to go out and buy it, and join me!
Here is Rowan's take:
This is a book about worshiping the true God and letting the true God act in us. It tells us as plainly as possible that the true God is a God who cannot stop giving and forgiving, and that our knowledge of this true God is utterly bound up with our willingness to receive from the hand of God the liberty to give and forgive.[1]

[1] Miroslav Volf's, Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace: The Archbishop's Official 2006 Lent Book (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005), 9.
Looking forward to your reflections!
Well hello.
I came to your blog via Chris Tilling's "Chrisendom". I'll be working my way through Volf's book as well, so I look forward to reading your posts.
I noticed that you have an interest in semiotics. I recently posted an essay on my blog on that topic entitled: "Communicating Meaning: Speaking Religion with G. Lindbeck, M. Heidegger, & U. Eco". I would love to hear any thoughts you might have on the essay.
Grace and peace.
Thanks Dan, loved your site, just wish it had a RSS feed! I printed off your paper and look forward to reading it!
What's an RSS feed? Damn computer technology.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the essay.
Grace and peace.
A rss feed is a code that allows news readers to pick up the blog. This allows the owner of a news reader to access all the blogs or news services from one location. So everytime you posted something new the news reader would pick it up, which saves time.
I will post some comments on my blog, concerning your paper.
I look forward to to hearing your thoughts.
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