So trolling through my RSS feeds (and yes, i still use RSS feeds!) I happened upon some really good blog posts.
From the Londonist
Was Charles Dickens the smuttiest writer of all time? On the face of it, the much-loved author would seem to be the ultimate purveyor of family-friendly literature. But if you read his novels with a 21st Century eye for the perverse then you begin to see all kinds of filth. Or maybe words have shifted meaning somewhat in the past 150 years. Who cares? It's Friday and we feel like unleashing some nonsense.
"'What, old Nobs!' ejaculated the son. And they shook hands heartily." - Pickwick Papers, Chapter 27.
"The jackal then invigorated himself with a bum for his throttle." - A Tale of Two Cities, Chapter 5.
"Tom had sat upon the bed, swinging one leg and sucking his walking-stick with sufficient unconcern." - Hard Times, Chapter 6.
"Mr. Jasper broke silence by declaring that he placed his whole reliance, humanly speaking, on Mr. Sapsea's penetration." - The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Chapter 15.
"Mr Brass's ejaculations died away in the distance (for he continued to pour them out, all the way down stairs)." - The Old Curiosity Shop, Chapter 48.
"When the throbbing I had seen before, came into it as I looked at her, she absolutely lifted up her hand, and struck it." - David Copperfield, Chapter 32.