Friday, September 02, 2005

People over Property?

Perhaps I read too much Eagleton and Jameson, but does anyone else find Bush's endorsment of a shoot-to-kill policy over looting a bit uncaring. I don't usually endorse crime, but is killing someone because they steal a TV really a pro-life policy?

And is there any doubt that we live in a fear culture when, in the apocalyptic madness of an instant society, people wait an hour to fill up there SUV's with precious petrol.


Sharad Yadav said...

Pursuing a "shoot to kill" policy on luting will certainly alienate Bush's minstrel constituency.

metalepsis said...

Now who is the Grammar Viking?

Sharad Yadav said...

Dude, we're totally experiencing all kinds of intertextual echoes in this conversation! I feel so close to you right now.

Alan Bandy said...

"Shoot to Kill" is that an intertextual echo of Pat Robertson's call for Chavez's assassination?

metalepsis said...

no but i did intend Orwell's book to be a sort of metalepsis of the problems of empire and the need to 'show' power even when it doesn't make sense.